Thursday, November 1, 2012

Cross-platform blogging

Hey friends!

I hope everyone had a safe Halloween. I just wanted to throw out a reminder to follow me on Twitter @sarahcatconde. In my last Girl at play post I talked about my experience with Ico. I finished the game yesterday morning, and let's just say it's now on my top five favorite games list.

Anyways, as opposed to compiling a post on my reactions and risk throwing out some spoilers, I posted shorter thoughts on my Twitter feed. I've already talked about my love affair with Twitter on this blog, but I don't know that I mentioned it's functionality in relation to microblogging. By posting these short and sweet pieces of digital content, I can keep you guys in the loop.

I like to think of this blog and my Twitter feed as partners in crime. Digital media makes it way easier for me to pull off cross-platform blogging. So don't forget to check Twitter for more of my adventures in the gaming world!

Until next time,
-The Girl Informer

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