Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Where in the world is Sarah Conde?

Hi friends!

It's been too long. I need to explain myself a little bit. You see, I've been having a rough time the past month or so, and that's why I haven't been keeping up with my posts. Managing school, longer work hours, a new internship and some personal issues has been taking it's toll.

To be completely honest, I was considering calling it quits. I'm super proud of this blog and everything I have written, but I always ask myself if I'm really reaching anyone. Well, today in class I got some perspective. I'm taking Communication on the Internet this semester which is a course that teaches you basic XHTML and CSS skills that I planned on eventually applying to this blog. Our first assignment, a personal website with four pages, was due last week. Our professor played a funny *cough*cruel*cough* game today that involved picking random names out of a hat and critiquing the website of whoever was chosen in front of the entire lecture class. With me being the lucky person I am all the time, I got picked -_-

Alright, so it didn't go that horribly actually, and I got some extra credit for the humiliation. What makes this story really interesting is what happened after. A woman came up to me as class let out and said she has actually found my website while browsing through all of the projects (our professor put them all up on the class website). She found this blog, which I linked to nearly every page of my website, and showed her son who is an avid gamer. She said she just had to tell me how excited he was that someone else found gaming as important as he does and how much he appreciated it. She said he loved the blog and congratulated me.

I have to say, I would never have expected this to happen in a million years. It may seem very insignificant, but I was extremely flattered. I was already having a bad day, and this just made me smile! It also made me realize that it's important that I keep up with this blog. While I may only have a few readers, I feel like what I'm doing still makes a difference, even if it is a very small difference. Gaming has made me who I am today, so I want to keep representing it in the best way possible. I'm sorry to get so mushy and personal, but the incident really gave me a reality check. While I'm not quite caught up with everything in life to start blogging regularly again right now, I will be back soon. That's a promise! :)

Also, in case you're wondering, the internship I just started is for an independent game studio located here in Gainesville called Trendy Entertainment. The team makes an awesome game called Dungeon Defenders that is a mix between tower defense and action RPG. It comes out on PSN tomorrow and XBLA/PC on Wednesday. Please excuse the shameless plug, but I am just so incredibly happy to be working there. I'm trying to put a lot of time and effort into it, since this is exactly what I want to be doing for my career after all. It's a great company, and I love being part of the growth. So while things are busy, things are also going fantastic!

I'll be back as soon as I can!

The Girl Informer

P.S. It's pretty amazing that I can't even keep a post about why I've been so absent lately to a single paragraph. What can I say? I love to talk! :P


  1. Hey that's awesome. I just picked the game up yesterday and played it for a bit, and it's great. Even greater that it was made in G'vile. If there aren't any gators in the game yet (haven't played too much), tel them to put some in. Maybe even Tebow (lol).

    Much love from a fellow gator.

  2. good morning! my name is Jay. it was my Aunt who told you bout me. ive been talkin to her back and forth about gaming, and such, and she linked my your blog. after reading it i was so refreshed. its amazing to know there are other people who enjoy gaming, and know what gaming can really do for us. ive added your blog to my favorites, and plan on checkin it whenever you post new stuff. also congratulations on the internship, and i wish you the best.


  3. @Anonymous

    It really is crazy that Dungeon Defenders came out of Gainesville. The game has so much depth, and I now understand first hand how hard the devs and Trendy team worked (and continue to work) to make the game amazing. I'll make sure to forward your Tebow suggestion to my boss haha!


    I actually just came on here to edit that you were in fact her nephew and not her son. Sorry about that! -_-

    Gaming has done a lot for my life. It may sound strange, but in a way I really like to be a spokesperson for the medium. I'm so happy to hear you enjoy the blog! I promise I'll be posting something new this week. Like I said, things have just been so crazy busy :P
