Friday, February 11, 2011

Harness your gaming power

Wow. That's all I can say about the video you see below.

Meet Jane McGonigal, game designer, researcher and author. She believes that gamers have the ability to make positive impact in the real world through the skills they use in the virtual world.

McGonigal claims that if more people played games at least one hour every day, we would be able to solve some of society's biggest problems. Basically - gaming IS productive!

McGonigal gives a great presentation and really understands gamers. She says we don't necessarily use games as an escape, we play to embrace our best qualities. It sounds crazy, but I think it's true. I really do feel like the best version of myself when I play games. Honestly, the chick gets me.

Take the time to watch her TED talk - it's worth it! I'm definitely going to check out her book when I have some free time, too.

I'll be back soon!

The Girl Informer

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