Lately, I feel like I’ve been taking this blog a little too seriously. I usually take hours to nail down a topic, research it thoroughly and write each post. I have always been the slowest writer in the world, whether it's for school or pleasure. It’s gotten a bit ridiculous in recent months, and I think my irregularity on this blog shows that.
That’s why I’m switching things up a little bit. I am going to incorporate shorter posts covering different ways gaming plays a role in my life. Selfish maybe, but it is my personal blog after all! I'm also going to occasionally dive into geek culture in general, along with my usual gaming angle.
The problem is my console isn't under warranty. It's a long story, but I ended up getting this Xbox for free. I bought it for my boyfriend as a gift, and it started malfunctioning about a month after purchase. I emailed the seller (I got it refurbished off Amazon) and asked if I could send it back for a refund. Well, I got my refund, but the seller went out of business before I ever got to send back the console. Thus, FREE XBOX FOR ME ^_^
I need help deciding what I should do about this situation. Sending the console to Microsoft to be repaired is not only expensive, but it takes about two months. Are there any local places I could take it into? Should I try to fix it myself (aka my boyfriend)? Or should I just buy a new Xbox? Or maybe a PS3?!
Thoughts and advice are greatly appreciated!
The Girl Informer
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